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Moisturising Hair Oil: How To Naturally Moisturise Dry Hair

Our body naturally moistures our hair through the sebaceous glands in the scalp, where sebum moves from the scalp to provide moisture to the hair strands. Genetics, hair type, and hair length all play a role when determining how effectively sebum is able to distribute evenly throughout the hair. For example, if you have underactive oil glands you may not naturally produce a sufficient amount of sebum.

If you have thick, coarse or curly hair, your hair may be more susceptible to dryness as it takes longer for the sebum to travel from the scalp to each hair strand. However, any hair type can become dry as a result of the use of chemical treatments, heated tools or washing the hair too regularly.

Moisturising hair oils such as avocado oil can help help to condition the hair and seal in moisture. Avocado oil is a key ingredient of Harir Hair Oil, and is blended to perfection in a lightweight formula, designed to be suitable for all hair types; it has the ability to deeply moisturise the hair while being the most desirable consistency so that it can work to nourish the hair effectively without weighing the hair down, regardless of hair type.

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